Jun 25, 2015
In this show Greg, Dan and Jerry talk about their upcoming event, How to Hunt the Whitetail Rut Workshop. Jerry discuss the different topics of the show and gives some insights on what we will cover in this first ever live event. A true comprehensive look at whats involved in the strategy of becoming a successful whitetail deer hunter. This show will cover one of the most important parts of hunting the rut, the timing of the seek and chase stages and why you will want to utilize these stages to improve your effectiveness in the whitetail woods. These 6 topics will be the guide in the show. Determining Key Hunting days of the Rut, Stand Selection and Preparation, Making and Maintaining Scrapes, Pressure and How to Minimize It, Scent Control and the uses of Scents, Hunting Scrapes on Key Days of the Seek, Chase and Breeding Stages.
Registration is on our home page of the web site huntfishjournal.com. Just click on the slide out tab that says ( Special Event click here) click that tab and it will open the flyer for the show and will say register here at the bottom of the flyer. Click that and you will be taken to a PayPal registration page to register for the workshop. Cost is $55.00 with lunch and refreshments provided. All attendees will receive a rut calculation at the show.
We look forward to meeting you and having a sit down discussion on this great subject, The Whitetail Deer and How to Hunt the Rut!!!
Remember our sponsors!
Hemisphere Coffee Roasters in Mechanicsburg, Ohio contact Paul or Grace at 937-834-3230