Feb 27, 2017
This week we welcome back to the show Derrick Jennings and his son Cody Jennings. In this show we will go over early Bass fishing techniques and areas to find bass as well as bait type. Cody is launching a new web site on Jig fishing called Jig Masters and you can check out his early beginnings at www.jigmasters.com....
Feb 14, 2017
In this 3rd show of the Rut Roundup 2016, we talk to Terry Heckman and Jason Kirby. Two different people who use our methods for taking deer over scrapes. These tactics when properly used can be a powerful tool in bringing deer into your hunting site during the key days of the rut. Each story is different yet effected...
Feb 5, 2017
This week we welcome back Ron Lindner of Lindner's Angling Edge to talk about Crappie fishing.Ron goes over how to locate crappie on lakes around 300-1000 acres in this early period. Ron speaks to the issue of the fragile nature of crappies in this stage of the winter and goes over some precautions to observe to keep...