Dec 27, 2015
In this third show of the Rut Roundup we talk to Paul Kurtz about a true trophy Paul took in Ohio and then we head north to talk to Russell Benz in Ontario Canada. Russell contacted the show and sent us a picture of a buck he took on a tinker stand. We were so impressed we ask Russell to come on the Rut Roundup to tell...
Dec 15, 2015
This Week in part 2 of the Rut Roundup 3 part series, we head down to Mississippi to talk to Henry and Lakeisha Woodard, field staff members of the HFJ about how their scrape hunting went during the seek stage of the rut, Then we come back to Ohio to talk to Terry Hurst and his daughter Amy about how she killed her...
Dec 7, 2015
This is the first of three Rut Roundup shows for the 2015 deer season. In this show we are going to talk to four different people who use our methods for taking deer over scrapes or as a result of the scrapes and the deer scent used to activate licking branches, scrapes and the trail they walk in on. These tactics when...