Oct 28, 2014
Tonight we welcome Jana Waller of Skull Bound TV to the Hunt Fish Journal, Many of you may know Jana from her FB page or the Skull Bound shows. Jana loves Hunting, Fishing and Shed hunting and has a great passion for encouraging others to get out and partake in the great outdoors. Jana is a freelance writer for hunting...
Oct 20, 2014
This week we talk about Whitetail Rut Behavior. We know that many of you who are using the scrape method probably want to know what's going on in those scrapes right now. You may not have seen or noticed much activity in your scrapes. So we thought we would do this show to give you a glimpse into what is really going on...
Oct 13, 2014
This week we welcome Travis T-Bone Turner of Bone Collector TV to the show. Join us as we talk to one of the countries favorite bow hunters and a giant in the outdoor industry. After listening to this show you will see why Travis is an outstanding archer who not only mastered the target world but the hunting world as...
Oct 6, 2014
In this show, The Hunt Fish Journal goes over the 2nd half of Rut Preparation. How to make the licking branches for your mock scrapes, the proper technique on how create the Mock Scrape and Scent Control. The best time to start is now if you didn't start early in the year. We tell you how it can be done, even now!!...